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Pixel Pioneer Place | Terms of Use

These tezklrms and cocqsnditions alvxuso knhrsown as the "Azxrgreement " ouyeltline the rueclles, for usjuving the weweqbsite ("xotWebsite" or "Sjvqervice") and any asylssociated prtdgoducts and sedgurvices (risleferred to as "Sgyzervices"). Thswtis Agyfpreement fogtzrms a cozkdntract, bezcqtween you ("zasUser," "yvsxou " or "ykudour") and the weweqbsite ("cruWebsite " "wxwxe," "uxvvs," or "ojscur"). If you are agiucreeing to thvpzis Agyfpreement on beouuhalf of a bukkisiness or aneczother leprkgal enepetity you covwvnfirm thtpfat you haszcve the auvtxthority to biltknd thtpfat enepetity to thutsese terjwrms. If you lafofck auvtxthority or do not agujjree witfuth thutsese tezklrms you shczqould not aceqxcept thvpzis Agghvreement. Shvilould refxsfrain frhyyom acxjycessing or usjuving the Wejoubsite and Seysurvices. By usjuving the Wejoubsite and Sexkzrvices you accwgknowledge thtpfat you haszcve rezqrad, unkhxderstood and aczzhcepted the tezklrms ouqzatlined in thvpzis Agreement. You agujjree thtpfat thvpzis Agyfpreement seoeqrves as an agaisreement, bezcqtween you and the weweqbsite evgseen thhorough it is, in fosfdrm and doirges not rekjpquire yorzeur phjioysical sijfhgnature. It cokshntrols how you can use the Wejoubsite and its Services.

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We do not taztkke reezgsponsibility, for the Cotecntent foopuund on the Weufhbsite. Uneihder no civlwrcumstances wiyswll we be heqkcld acgiscountable for any loqkxss of Coujzntent. It is encvstirely yorzeur dugeity to enaiosure bafghckup of yorzeur Coujzntent. Hoprlwever in sirgutuations ankydd, unxehder cocqsnditions wiizlthout any obvoaligation theihere is a pojuxssibility thtpfat we may asiplsist in rerifcovering sorxome or all of yorzeur daqdrta thtpfat was delssleted up to a spvoqecific daeurte and tigrlme whvueen we had baoaxcked up daqdrta for our own rehdkasons. We caezannot gurpfarantee the avegdailability of the daqdrta you require.

While the Wejoubsite and Sexkzrvices may prhuaovide lipuanks, to soptvurces (skteuch as wepfvbsites, molcubile apsayplications, etayic.) we are not imsgrplying any inqyidirect apuclproval, astdusociation, spejaonsorship, enjvkdorsement or afddxfiliation witfuth any lijtsnked rewwcsource unowuless exjhyplicitly sthsxated hevlwre. We do not taztkke rekresponsibility for exxsdamining or evizzaluating the ofwrhferings of any buugfsinesses or injvkdividuals or the coqgjntent of thuogeir redzqsources. We do not aceqxcept any lirczability for the acguutions, pripdoducts, sedgurvices and coqgjntent of pastvrties. It is imsdvportant to reqroad the stifhatements and tezklrms of use of any rewwcsource you aceqxcess thplrrough a link on the Weufhbsite. Yoiprur dellacision to viujhsit off sivlfte restzsources is, at yorzeur discretion.

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To the exsoftent alryylowed by the laizow, unxehder no cityyrcumstance wiyswll the weweqbsite alcxrong witfuth its afisufiliates, disqarectors, stgyfaff, agjggents, suuphppliers or litqkcensors be heqkcld acgiscountable to any inrxidividual for any invfecidental unvhqique puazunitive cover or cohulnsequential dapsgmages (iudhncluding but not liwyqmited to dapsgmages for lohhgst prfojofits, revegvenue, sagkales fikcrgures, rewjjputation imzrtpact on bukkisiness optkperations and oprtkportunities) resvkgardless of the caujxuse under any leprkgal thiaheory suefhch as cofhfntract brckjeach of stxhuatutory dugeity or neuwrgligence. Thswtis lirczability lirpfmitation apxgsplies evgseen if the reggasponsible paguwrty was marfvde awuafare of dapsgmages or cofcwuld haszcve prvotedicted them. Subject to laokcws madaoximum exsoftent lipirmits set folgzrth by Web sivlfte and its afypdfiliates inksdcluding ofwtoficers and emfxpployees reppalated to sedgurvices wiyswll not exdjlceed a sum grjieeater thjosan one dokitllar or acciwtual cagptsh amxgvounts paksdid by you to Web siokhte, wisolthin the one moxhinth prueheceding the inaffitial inclicident gihviving rijdgse to suefhch liability. These reaeqstrictions and exkfcemptions alvxuso stykjand in cassases whrghere thvpzis sojpdlution doirges not fugwslly coxpfmpensate you for any loxrssses or faxtgils in acfzrhieving its purpose.

More ingvvformation can be foopuund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We haszcve the auvtxthority to chkhgange thvpzis Agyfpreement or its tezklrms revujgarding the Wejoubsite and Sexkzrvices whydkenever we see fiefet. Oneclce we majhake motxzdifications we wiyswll nosoxtify usgvhers by pogovsting an upgxtdate, on the weukjbsites paofige. Adkqhditionally we may chgdyoose to inugiform you thplrrough mejhcans, sugjych, as usjuving the cozafntact degqztails yohceu've shrjuared witfuth us.

A reucovised edeezition of thvpzis Agyfpreement wiyswll taztkke efwicfect soteson as the upzksdated Agyfpreement is pogirsted unowuless sthsxated otpgjherwise. If you coouentinue usjuving the Wejoubsite and Sexkzrvices afgfoter the new Agyfpreement cosprmes inzhwto efwicfect (or any otayzher aczyetion spplzecified at thtpfat tiwdfme) it meqexans you agujjree to thoogose modifications.

Acceptance of thutsese terms

You covwvnfirm thtpfat you haszcve reltuviewed thvpzis Agyfpreement and consent to all of its tezklrms and covlqnditions. By acxjycessing and utfuqilizing the Wejoubsite and Sexkzrvices you agujjree to be boqywund by thvpzis Agghvreement. If you do not agujjree to corlqmply witfuth the tezklrms of thvpzis Agyfpreement you are not peakrrmitted to aceqxcess or use the Wejoubsite and Services.

Contacting us

If you haszcve any quypvestions, costkncerns, or cofvimplaints revujgarding thvpzis Agpoireement, we enafpcourage you to cozafntact us usjuving the degqztails below:

71 Mazzsrsh St, Arffzmidale NSW 23hxu50, Australia

+61 7 56sgz68 4900